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This module contains HTTP status code.


In HTTP/1.0 and since, the first line of the HTTP response is called the status line and includes a numeric status code (such as "404") and a textual reason phrase (such as "Not Found"). The way the user agent handles the response depends primarily on the code, and secondarily on the other response header fields. Custom status codes can be used, for if the user agent encounters a code it does not recognize, it can use the first digit of the code to determine the general class of the response.

See Hypertext Transfer Protocol for more information.


HttpCode = enum
  Http100 = "100 Continue",
  Http101 = "101 Switching Protocols",
  Http200 = "200 OK",
  Http201 = "201 Created",
  Http202 = "202 Accepted",
  Http203 = "203 Non-Authoritative Information",
  Http204 = "204 No Content",
  Http205 = "205 Reset Content",
  Http206 = "206 Partial Content",
  Http300 = "300 Multiple Choices",
  Http301 = "301 Moved Permanently",
  Http302 = "302 Found",
  Http303 = "303 See Other",
  Http304 = "304 Not Modified",
  Http305 = "305 Use Proxy",
  Http307 = "307 Temporary Redirect",
  Http400 = "400 Bad Request",
  Http401 = "401 Unauthorized",
  Http403 = "403 Forbidden",
  Http404 = "404 Not Found",
  Http405 = "405 Method Not Allowed",
  Http406 = "406 Not Acceptable",
  Http407 = "407 Proxy Authentication Required",
  Http408 = "408 Request Timeout",
  Http409 = "409 Conflict",
  Http410 = "410 Gone",
  Http411 = "411 Length Required",
  Http412 = "412 Precondition Failed",
  Http413 = "413 Request Entity Too Large",
  Http414 = "414 Request-URI Too Long",
  Http415 = "415 Unsupported Media Type",
  Http416 = "416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
  Http417 = "417 Expectation Failed",
  Http418 = "418 I\'m a teapot",
  Http421 = "421 Misdirected Request",
  Http422 = "422 Unprocessable Entity",
  Http426 = "426 Upgrade Required",
  Http428 = "428 Precondition Required",
  Http429 = "429 Too Many Requests",
  Http431 = "431 Request Header Fields Too Large",
  Http451 = "451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons",
  Http500 = "500 Internal Server Error",
  Http501 = "501 Not Implemented",
  Http502 = "502 Bad Gateway",
  Http503 = "503 Service Unavailable",
  Http504 = "504 Gateway Timeout",
  Http505 = "505 HTTP Version Not Supported"
HTTP status code.   Source Edit


proc parseHttpCode(code: int): HttpCode {...}{.raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}

Converts an integer to a status code. A ValueError is raised when code is not a valid code.


assert parseHttpCode(100) == Http100
assert parseHttpCode(200) == Http200
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