
HTTP 1.1 supports chunked encoding, which allows HTTP messages to be broken up into several parts. Chunking is most often used by the server for responses, but clients can also chunk large requests. By adding Transfer-Encoding: chunked to a message header, this message can be sent chunk by chunk. Each data chunk requires to be encoded and decoded when it is sent and received. This module provides tools for dealing with these types of encodings and decodings.



If a Transfer-Encoding field with a value of "chunked" is specified in an HTTP message (either a request sent by a client or the response from the server), the body of the message consists of an unspecified number of chunks, a terminating chunk, trailer, and a final CRLF sequence (i.e. carriage return followed by line feed).

Each chunk starts with the number of octets of the data it embeds expressed as a hexadecimal number in ASCII followed by optional parameters (chunk extension) and a terminating CRLF sequence, followed by the chunk data. The chunk is terminated by CRLF.

If chunk extensions are provided, the chunk size is terminated by a semicolon and followed by the parameters, each also delimited by semicolons. Each parameter is encoded as an extension name followed by an optional equal sign and value. These parameters could be used for a running message digest or digital signature, or to indicate an estimated transfer progress, for instance.

The terminating chunk is a regular chunk, with the exception that its length is zero. It is followed by the trailer, which consists of a (possibly empty) sequence of entity header fields. Normally, such header fields would be sent in the message's header; however, it may be more efficient to determine them after processing the entire message entity. In that case, it is useful to send those headers in the trailer.

Header fields that regulate the use of trailers are TE (used in requests), and Trailers (used in responses).

See Chunked transfer encoding for more information.


Here is an example of a body of a chunked message:

5;\r\n                                      # chunk-size and chunk-extensions (empty)
Hello\r\n                                   # data
9; language=en; city=London\r\n             # chunk-size and chunk-extensions
Developer\r\n                               # data
0\r\n                                       # terminating chunk ---------------------
Expires: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT\r\n  # trailer
\r\n                                        # final CRLF-----------------------------

About \n and \L

Since \n cannot be represented as a character (but a string) in Nim language, we use '\L' to represent a newline character here.



To implement a chunked body shown in the above example:

import netkit/http/chunk
import netkit/http/headerfield

assert encodeChunk("Hello") == "5;\r\nHello\r\n"

assert encodeChunk("Developer", {
  "language": "en",
  "city": "London"
}) == "9; language=en; city=London\r\nDeveloper\r\n"

assert encodeChunkEnd(initHeaderFields({
  "Expires": "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT"
})) == "0\r\nExpires: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT\r\n\r\n"

This example demonstrates the string version of the encoding procs. However, there is also a more efficient solution.

Encoding with pointer buffer

Continuously reads data from a file and then encodes the data:

import netkit/http/chunk
import netkit/http/headerfield

var source: array[64, byte]
var dest: array[128, byte]

# open a large file
var file = open("test.blob")

while true:
  let readLen = file.readBuffer(source.addr, 64)
  if readLen > 0:
    let encodeLen = encodeChunk(source.addr, readLen, dest.addr, 128)
    # handle dest, encodeLen ...
  # read EOF
  if readLen < 64:
    echo encodeChunkEnd(initHeaderFields({
      "Expires": "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT"

Consider using pointer buffer when you are dealing with large amounts of data and are very concerned about memory consumption.


To parse a char sequence consisting of chunk-size and chunk-extensions:

import netkit/http/chunk

let header = parseChunkHeader("1A; a1=v1; a2=v2")
assert header.size = 26
assert header.extensions = "; a1=v1; a2=v2"

To parse a char sequence associated with chunk-extensions :

import netkit/http/chunk

let extensions = parseChunkExtensions("; a1=v1; a2=v2")
assert extensions[0].name = "a1"
assert extensions[0].value = "v1"
assert extensions[1].name = "a2"
assert extensions[1].value = "v2"

To parse a set of char sequence associated with tailers:

import netkit/http/chunk

let tailers = parseChunkTrailers(@["Expires: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT"])
assert tailers["Expires"][0] == "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT"


ChunkHeader = object
  size*: Natural
  extensions*: string
Represents the header of a chunk.   Source Edit
ChunkExtension = tuple[name: string, value: string]
Represents a chunk extension.   Source Edit


proc parseChunkHeader(s: string): ChunkHeader {...}{.raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}

Converts a string to a ChunkHeader.


parseChunkHeader("64") # => (100, "")
parseChunkHeader("64; name=value") # => (100, "; name=value")
  Source Edit
proc parseChunkExtensions(s: string): seq[ChunkExtension] {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}

Converts a string representing extensions to a set of (name, value) pair.


let extensions = parseChunkExtensions(";a1=v1;a2=v2")
assert extensions[0].name == "a1"
assert extensions[0].value == "v1"
assert extensions[1].name == "a2"
assert extensions[1].value == "v2"
  Source Edit
proc parseChunkTrailers(ts: openArray[string]): HeaderFields {...}{.raises: [KeyError],
    tags: [].}

Converts a string array representing trailers to a HeaderFields.


let fields = parseChunkTrailers(@["Expires: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT"])
           # => ("Expires", "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT")
assert fields["Expires"][0] == "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT"
  Source Edit
proc encodeChunk(source: pointer; dest: pointer; size: Natural): Natural {...}{.raises: [],
    tags: [].}

Encodes size bytes from the buffer source, storing the results in the buffer dest. The return value is the number of bytes of the results.

Note: the length of dest must be at least 21 bytes larger than source to hold the results.


let source = "Developer"
let dest = newString(source.len + 21)
encodeChunk(source.cstring, source.len, dest.cstring, dest.len)
assert dest == "9\r\nDeveloper\r\n"
  Source Edit
proc encodeChunk(source: pointer; dest: pointer; size: Natural;
                extensions = openArray[ChunkExtension]): Natural

Encodes size bytes from the buffer source, storing the results in the buffer dest. extensions specifies chunk extensions. The return value is the number of bytes of the results.

Note: the length of dest must be at least 21 + extensions.len bytes larger than source to hold the results.


let source = "Developer"
let extensions = "language=en; city=London"
let dest = newString(source.len + 21 + extensions.len)
encodeChunk(source.cstring, source.len, dest.cstring, dest.len, extensions)
assert dest == "9; language=en; city=London\r\nDeveloper\r\n"
  Source Edit
proc encodeChunk(source: string): string {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}

Encodes source into a chunk.


let dest = encodeChunk("Developer")
assert dest == "9\r\nDeveloper\r\n"
  Source Edit
proc encodeChunk(source: string; extensions: openArray[ChunkExtension]): string {...}{.
    raises: [], tags: [].}

Encodes source into a chunk. extensions specifies chunk extensions.


let dest = encodeChunk("Developer", {
  "language": "en",
  "city": "London"
assert dest == "9; language=en; city=London\r\nDeveloper\r\n"
  Source Edit
proc encodeChunkEnd(): string {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}

Returns a string consisting of a terminating chunk and a final CRLF sequence.


let dest = encodeChunkEnd()
assert dest == "0\r\n\r\n"
  Source Edit
proc encodeChunkEnd(trailers: HeaderFields): string {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}

Returns a string consisting of a terminating chunk, trailer and a final CRLF sequence. trailers specifies the metadata carried.


let dest = encodeChunkEnd(initHeaderFields({
  "Expires": "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GM"
assert dest == "0\r\nExpires: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GM\r\n\r\n"
  Source Edit